Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Post Viral Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
So many names, so many symptoms, so much suffering and yet there is still little recognition and certainly no cure for these conditions from orthodox medicine. However homoeopathy can help.
If you are reading this, it is likely that you know all about chronic fatigue and it's symptoms, so I'm not going to waste your time describing how you are feeling, physically and mentally. It is likely that you have had a long and frustrating search for answers and have somehow ended up here, hoping that this time you may have found something that might help ease your symptoms.
Homoeopathy is not a quick fix. The longer you have had chronic fatigue in one of it's many guises, the longer it may take to get relief from it's symptoms. In a study based in the UK it was found that if homoeopathic treatment was started within 2 years of onset of illness, prognosis was for a 90% recovery. Homoeopathy is not a cure, but it can give up to 70% relief of symptoms, which for anyone who struggles to even get up in the morning and perform basic tasks, this could be life changing.
Homoeopathy can give hope to the millions of CFS, Fibro, ME, MCS sufferers around the world.
Feel free to call or email me to see if homoeopathy is right for you. I can also offer Skype consultations to patients further afield.

I have been a qualified Sports & Remedial Massage therapist for the past 17 years. I can offer massage treatments to work alongside homoeopathy if you require. It can be a lovely way to work with you; a homoeopathic consultation followed by a massage. Massage can help to relieve the pain and stress caused by CFS. I am a very experienced practitioner and have worked with patients with CFS and fibromyalgia for many years. I use chemical and perfume free detergents and cleaning products, to help reduce the stress on the system during treatments. I also use oils from Neal's Yards which are organic and as pure as I can find anywhere.
"You are like superwoman Fay, I always feel better and lighter when I leave"
"I used to be a mouse and now I feel like a lion" J.P in treatment for 18 months. Reduced pain, reduced meds, increased energy and vitality.
"I've definitely had more energy and have been noticeably more active. We were even able to go to a gig last night and I haven't suffered any noticeable after effects yet" D.F in treatment for 5 months, initially unable to leave the house due to fatigue and last week came to my clinic for the first time, rather than needing a home visit.