Dorset Homoeopathy
Fay Edgar RSHom
07969 092292
Homoeopathy is an evidence based form of medicine that works on the principle of like cures like. For example coffee is well known for keeping you awake, it is a stimulant, but taken in its Homoeopathic form coffea cruda it can actually help with insomnia by making the body think it has to slow down. Onions can make your eyes water and sting when you cut them, but as a homoeopathic remedy, allium cepa, can help with these exact symptoms in a cold or hay fever.
Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that is over 200 years old and is used by 450 million people worldwide, including the Royal family and professional athletes such as Linford Christie, Will Greenwood & David Beckham.
Homoeopathy stimulates your own body to heal itself. Medicine prescription is based around you as an individual and takes into account your specific symptoms & lifestyle in order to help re-balance you, physically, mentally & emotionally. A car mechanic wouldn't simply remove a fuse to stop a warning light flashing on a dashboard. They would diagnose the problem that was causing the light to flash, and then seek to fix the problem. Homoeopathy works in the same way. We seek to find the cause, the fundamental problem that is causing the body dis-ease.
Homoeopathy is a safe and non invasive form of treatment that is suitable from pre-conception & birth to teenagers, mid-life to old age. It can help to support you whatever stage of life you are in.
Homoeopathy can help with a huge variety of complaints from eczema & asthma, hormonal issues such as PMT, menstrual pain & symptoms of the menopause, anxiety & depression, headaches & migraines. It can be used safely in childbirth, before & after operations and alongside conventional medication. I have a particular interest in how it can help with sports injuries & improve sporting performance.
Homoeopathic medicines are substances that are taken from the natural world and diluted to create non-toxic remedies, without side effects,
It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. Hippocrates